Be Your Best Self
LaGrange College’s Ethos curriculum will be the foundation in every student’s search for a meaningful life. Students will refine their intellectual skills, explore multiples ways of learning, and examine thoughtful global citizenship.
Skills Improve your ability to effectively communicate your ideas through writing, find valid information, and think quantitatively.
Inquiry Courses for this programmatic goal focus on how humans interact, our cultures, how we express ourselves, and what we've learned. We use different modes of inquiry to study these disciplines.
Citizenship Courses in this category explore the institutional pillars as well as religious faith of students and those in the world around them.
Think Critically

Learn to write, speak, and think in ways that are applicable to real-world problems.

Access the course schedule to examine course offerings at LaGrange College that satisfy our general education.

Class Schedule


Study our world and the ways and reasons humans do what they do.


Student in Greece
Explore Your World
Study other cultures and traditions and travel to places around the world.
Demonstrate Your Potential
Explore topics and create works that are stimulating to you and that you can share with others.