Grants do not require repayment. A range of grants — from both government agencies and the college — are available to LaGrange students. Both need-based and non-need-based options exist. Pay close attention to the details of each grant, as additional application materials may be required.

a female graduate smiles

State grants & scholarships

The State of Georgia provides need-based and non-need-based grant assistance to residents of Georgia who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens and have established and maintained a domicile in the State of Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months.

HOPE Scholarship is a non-need-based State of Georgia scholarship awarded to Georgia residents who graduated from high school on or after June 1996 with a 3.00 grade point average in specific academic courses. A student who did not graduate from high school as a HOPE Scholar may become eligible for the HOPE Scholarship after attempting 30, 60, or 90 semester hours. The award is a $4,992 per year for full-time students ($2,496 per semester). The complete eligibility requirements and application for the HOPE Scholarship are available at

Zell Miller Scholarship is a non-need-based State of Georgia scholarship awarded to Georgia residents who graduated from high school in 2011 and beyond who graduated as the Valedictorian or Salutatorian or had a HOPE Scholarship calculated high school GPA of a minimum of 3.7 and scored a minimum score of 1200 combined critical reading and math on a single administration of the SAT or a composite score of 26 on a single test administration of the ACT taken prior to the time of high school graduation. Zell Miller Scholarships are evaluated at the same benchmarks as HOPE Scholars - 30, 60, and 90 attempted semester hours. The award is $5,970 per year for full-time students ($2,895 per semester). The complete eligibility requirements and application for the Zell Miller Scholarship are available at

Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant is a non-need-based State of Georgia grant awarded to Georgia residents attending a private college or university as a full-time student. The annual amount is currently $1,000 ($500 per semester). The complete eligibility requirements and application for the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant are available at

Georgia HERO (Helping Educate Reservists and their Off-spring) Scholarship is a non-need-based, State of Georgia scholarship that provides educational grant assistance to Georgia residents who are members of the Georgia National Guard and U.S. Military Reservists and served in combat zones or the children or spouses of such members of the Georgia National Guard and U.S. Military Reserves. The award is $2,000 per year for full-time students. Awards are prorated for enrollments of less than full-time. The complete eligibility requirements and application for the Georgia HERO Scholarship is available at

Public Safety Memorial Grant is a non-need-based, State of Georgia grant awarded to the dependent children of Georgia Public Safety Officers who were permanently disabled or killed in the line of duty. The maximum award is $18,000 per year. The complete eligibility requirements and application for the Public Safety Memorial Grant is available at

Federal grants

The U.S. Government provides need-based grants, loans and student employment programs to eligible U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens to help defray the cost of attending college. These programs require that the applicant complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility for each program.

Federal Pell Grant is a need-based, federal grant awarded to undergraduate students pursuing their first bachelor’s degree. The student’s Student Aid Index (SAI – formerly the EFC)), Cost of Attendance and enrollment status determines the Pell award. Students enrolled less than full-time may qualify for a reduced amount Pell Grant. The lifetime Pell Grant limit is six years or the attainment of a bachelor’s degree.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant is a federal grant awarded to undergraduate students who are not Pell-eligible whose parent or guardian died as a result of military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after 9/11. The student must have been under the age of 24 or enrolled at least part-time at the time of the parent’s or guardian’s death.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant is a need-based, federal grant awarded to undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. Priority is given to Pell Grant eligible students with the lowest SAI (formerly EFC). Available funding in this program is limited so completing the FAFSA early is recommended.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH Grant) is a federal, non-need-based grant available to undergraduate and graduate students who are pursuing careers in teaching. TEACH Grant recipients must sign an Agreement to Serve contract agreeing to teach four complete academic years within eight years of completing their degree as a highly qualified teacher in a high-need field for a school system serving low-income families. Recipients may receive $4,000 annually for a total of $16,000 for undergraduate study and $8,000 for graduate study. TEACH Grant recipients who fail to complete their service obligation will have all the funds received converted to an Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan. Learn more about the TEACH Grant.

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Institutional grants & scholarships

The Financial Aid Office awards significant grant assistance to eligible students. The college and generous foundations, alumni and friends provide need-based and non-need-based grant assistance to eligible students. A student’s financial need (for need-based grants and scholarships) is determined by the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and LaGrange College’s cost of attendance.

A separate application is not needed for these grants and scholarships. Contact Financial Aid if you have questions.