What is Title IX?
Title IX protects all members of the campus community from sex discrimination. Title IX requires an educational institution to respond to sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, intimate partner violence and stalking that is sufficiently serious to deny or limit a student’s or employee’s ability to participate in or benefit from the school’s education programs and activities (i.e., creates a hostile environment).
It is the policy of LaGrange College to maintain an environment for students, faculty, administrators, staff, volunteers, and visitors that is free of all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual misconduct. The College has enacted this Sexual Misconduct Policy to reflect and maintain its institutional values and community expectations, to provide for fair and equitable procedures for determining when this Policy has been violated, and to provide recourse for individuals and the community in response to violations of this Policy.
This Policy prohibits all forms of sexual discrimination, harassment, and misconduct, including sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact, intimate partner violence, and stalking. This Policy also prohibits retaliation against a person who reports, complains about, or who otherwise participates in good faith in any matter related to this Policy.