- Access the IRB application under the "Forms" tab to the left.
- This document is available as an editable Word document.
- No handwritten or physical copies will be accepted.
- The Primary Investigator (PI) should complete the form with the help of their faculty advisor.
- All forms must contain signatures of the Primary Investigator, faculty advisor, and program coordinator.
- If you need to include any additional documents with your application, please submit those as .doc, .docx, or .pdf attachments.
- All completed applications and supporting documents should be submitted to
- Once your application has been reviewed by the IRB, the Primary Inestigator and faculty advisor will receive an email either:
- Containing requested changes
- Containing a PDF copy of an approval letter
- Once you receive your approval letter, you are ready to start recruiting your participants.
- Once you have finished collecting your data, you should submit a final report to the IRB.