Follow your passion for fitness to athletics or medicine

If you’re interested in fitness, sport performance or healthy living, Exercise Science could be the field for you. The LaGrange College program prepares you to work in the sports and fitness industry or in health-related careers.
Choose your path
You can choose the Exercise Science focus that’s right for you: The Allied Health concentration prepares you to pursue graduate education in allied health professions such as physical therapy and occupational therapy; the Sport & Human Performance option prepares you for employment in the fitness or sport performance industry. Either choice delivers solid preparation for graduate study in exercise and sport science.
Learn by doing
A focus on “learning by doing” rather than simply observing sets the LaGrange program apart. Beyond lab classes, you’ll be able to contribute to the Sport Performance Enhancement Education and Development (SPEED) Center, which assesses and coaches athletes to enhance physical performance. There, you’ll put what has been learned in the classroom into practice. Seminars, symposiums and conferences hosted by the center also allow you to present your research and learn from other leading exercise and sport science professionals. Few undergraduate programs in the country provide such an experience.