Understand the past to form the future

By learning about the forces that shaped civilization, you’ll gain an appreciation for the way the world is now and be challenged to think about how it’s going to be in coming years.
Will I be challenged?
History majors at LaGrange are always challenged by their classes. You will take courses that examine everything from the Greco-Roman world to Comparative Colonization of North America. To complete the major, you will write a senior thesis and defend it before the college community. History majors at LaGrange also enjoy rare hands-on opportunities including internships and archival work.
Students interested in history and education can gain field experience in the classroom through our National History Day Mentoring Program. You’ll also be able to join LaGrange College’s chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the discipline’s professional honor society. We conduct regular field trips and sponsor a variety of special events on campus and present papers at regional and national conferences. LaGrange’s Phi Alpha Theta chapter is simply one of the most active academic organizations on campus.
LaGrange’s January Interim Term offers the opportunity to travel abroad and come face-to-face with world history. Japan. Paris. Southern Spain. Greece. Latin America. England. The explorations and once-in-a-lifetime discoveries are endless for LaGrange History majors, in and out of class.