Theatre Arts Courses
*Denotes THEA courses that satisfy a Humanities or Fine Arts requirement in the Core Curriculum.
*THEA 1101 Drama Survey I.
A survey of theatre beginning with ancient Greece continuing through Romanticism. Students will study theatre as a developed art form through reading, viewing, and discussing plays representing diverse eras of history. Drama Survey I may be taken independently of Drama Survey II.
*THEA 1102 Drama Survey II.
A survey of theatre from the rise of Realism through contemporary drama. Students will study theatre as a developed art form through reading, viewing, and discussing plays representing diverse eras of history. Drama Survey II may be taken independently of Drama Survey I.
*THEA 1180 Stagecraft.
A course designed to provide the student with theoretical and working knowledge of technical theatre. An emphasis is placed on the fundamental techniques and processes used in theatre productions. Students work on a departmental production.
*THEA 1184 Acting I.
A course designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of acting for the stage. The course includes achievement of a simple objective, self and sensory awareness, relaxation, concentration, and beginning scene and text analysis.
*THEA 1205 Movement and Conditioning.
A course designed to develop body awareness by exploring movement connected to impulse and instinct, focusing on integration of the mind, body, and spirit.
THEA 1286 Makeup for the Stage.
A study in the theories and application of stage makeup. Topics may include corrective, old age, and character makeup, as well as prosthetics.
THEA 2110 Introduction to Design.
This course introduces students to the fundamental elements of the design process, with emphasis on script analysis, visual communication, and creative expression.
THEA 2210 Voice and Diction.
To introduce students to the process of voice production, methods of Linklater's freeing the voice with emphasis on relaxation and breathing, and applicable techniques for working with text.
THEA 2272 Creative Dramatics.
A course that introduces methods of creating, designing, and utilizing drama to enhance teaching skills and foster the educational development of students.
Highly recommended for Early Childhood and Secondary Education majors.
THEA 3285 Practicum.
Designed for students to gain practical experience in and outside of their areas of focus. Students will engage in production assignments each semester to earn credit for this course. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: for theatre majors or by consent of instructor
THEA 2330 Script Analysis.
A study of major genres of dramatic literature designed to provide the director, actor, designer, dramaturge, and/or technician with basic guidelines for text analysis. Students develop and utilize skills to thoroughly analyze text.
THEA 2351 Acting II.
A continuation of THEA 1184 that explores further character development through advanced scene work and improvisational exercises.
Prerequisite: THEA 1184
THEA 2370 Properties Design and Construction
This course is designed to explore a myriad of processes involved in researching, designing and building props for the stage. Possible projects will include: sculpting, carving, casting, furniture maintenance, food for the stage and blood & gore effects.
THEA 2380 Scenic Painting.
This course is designed to be an exploration of the scenic painting process. Through practical application students will interact with the materials and apply the techniques required for painting scenery.
THEA 3305 Period Styles of Acting.
An advanced acting course which introduces students to period styles of acting and movement including Greek, Elizabethan, Comedy of Manners, Farce, and the Theatre of the Absurd.
Prerequisites: THEA 1184, THEA 2351
THEA 3360 Scenic Design.
A study of the scenic design process. Students will apply the principles of design to scenery through intense practical assignments. Emphasis is placed on communication through drafting, rendering, and modeling.
Prerequisite: THEA 2110 or ART 1151.
THEA 3381 Lighting Design.
A study of the lighting design process. Students will apply the principles of design to lighting through intense practical assignments.
Prerequisite: THEA 2110 or ART 1151.
THEA 3390 Advanced Stagecraft.
Students will apply the principles of stagecraft to rigorous practical assignments intent on developing fine craftsmanship skills. This project-based course will provide opportunities for woodworking, metal work, and technical design.
Prerequisite: THEA 1180
THEA 3451 Auditioning.
A course designed for developing audition techniques and examining guidelines for audition procedures with emphasis on practical auditions, résumés, headshots, selection of audition material, and compilation of an audition portfolio.
May be repeated for credit.
THEA 3586 Advanced Stage Makeup.
Advanced study in the theories and application of stage makeup. Students will design for a variety of genres including fantasy, period and post-modern. Students will experiment with advanced techniques such as air-brushing, casting, Advanced topics may include casting, moulage, and full body projects.
Prerequisite: THEA 1286
THEA 4370 Directing.
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of directing, including the director's role in interpreting, choosing, rehearsing, and staging a play. The course culminates in realized One Act productions.
Prerequisites: THEA 1184, THEA 2110, THEA 2330
THEA 4470-2 Special Topics.
A series of courses designed to provide students with advanced material/study in either performance or design tracks. Prerequisite: consent of instructor
THEA 4484 Senior Thesis.
A course in which senior Theatre Arts majors bring their training and emphasis into focus. Senior thesis projects must be track-specific.
All proposals must be approved by the department chair and are subject to scheduling and faculty supervisory commitments.
THEA 4495 Independent Studies.
(3) on demand.
Prerequisite: consent of instructor