Research Opportunities

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Students who want to complete research projects as part of their education don't have to go through it alone. While most of the times you see faculty members teaching, they are often working on their own lines of research in the background. They are often willing to bring in students on their on going work or mentor students through their original ideas.
In order to help you connect with a mentor, the UR Program provides the list of faculty members below who routinely mentor students.
Kim Barber Knoll, MFA, AEA (
- Department or Program: Theatre Arts
- Area of Interest: Movement, Auditioning, Directing, Creative Dramatics
- Professor Knoll recently trademarked her original movement methods, In the Movement.
John A. Tures, PhD (
- Department or Program: Political Science
- Area of Interest: Terrorism & conflict, Elections & Presidents, Political economy
- Notable work: "Is our 'Soul Prepared?' Testing the Myth of Suicide Terrorists as 'The Ultimate Smart Bomb'"
Maranah Sauter, RN, PhD (
- Department or Program: Nursing
- Area of Interest: Health of caregiving dyad, Factors influencing self-perceived health and wellness
Stephanie Thomas, PhD (
- Department or Program: Psychological Science
- Area of Interest: Impact of narrative's character(s) on a reader's thoughts/feelings/behavior, Personality as a predictor of life outcomes.
Mark Yates, PhD (
- Department or Program: Biology
- Area of Interest: How management of forested areas impacts the animal and plant species, Forest bat communities, How management tools such as prescribed fires impact terrestrial habitats
Toni Anderson, PhD (
- Department or Program: Music
- Areas of Interest: Fisk Jubilee Singers, Black music history, Vocal pedagogy, Musical theatre literature and pedagogy
Melinda Pomeroy-Black, MS, PhD (
- Department or Program: Biology
- Areas of Interest: How specific residential and agricultural pesticides adversely affect neurological function and neurodevelopment, Cell-cell communication and intracellular communication, Parkinson's disease, Alternative animal models
Christi Hu, PhD (
- Department or Program: Psychological Science
- Areas of Interest: EEG measures of attention and relaxation, Sexual education programs, Teaching pedagogy, Behavioral analysis techniques used to increase academic success