Make a difference in a future generation

What Programs of Study are offered at LaGrange College?
The LaGrange Education Department offers an innovative collection of courses calculated to graduate well-prepared teachers in the following degree programs that lead to initial certification:

Additionally, the LaGrange Education Department offers the following degree programs that do not lead to initial certification: 


Meet the Faculty and Staff

Professor Randolph "Dolph" S. Hardigree toggle open
Dr. Don Livingston toggle open
Dr. Sharon Livingston toggle open
Dr. Gretta Milam, Department Chair toggle open
Professor Lyn Perry, Director of Field Experiences toggle open
Dr. Vicki Pheil toggle open

Have you read...

Current research the department faculty is reading toggle open

Interacting with Our Local Community

Azalea Storytelling Festival toggle open

Study Abroad Opportunities

Thailand toggle open
Greece toggle open
New Zealand toggle open
Costa Rica toggle open